Freddie Chavez Sr, 64 of San Mateo NM was born on March 4 th , 1960, and passed
away peacefully at home on May 4 th , 2024. Freddie was a Loving Dad and Tata he is
survived by his son Jeffrey Chavez Sr, his grandchildren Christina, Fernandez, and
Jeffrey Chavez Jr, and his great-granddaughter Demesia Chavez. His mother Emilia
Chavez seven sisters two brothers and several Nieces and Nephews. He is preceded in
death by his son Freddie Chaves Jr, his Father Fernandez Chavez, and His sister
Donna Chavez. Services for Freddie will be on May 17 th , 2024 at San Mateo NM, with a
Catholic mass at 11:00 am followed by a burial at the San Mateo Cemetery. Reception
afterward will be at the San Mateo Fire Department.